Arbetsflöde: hantering av återkommande arbetsuppgifter

Smoother workflow with recurring task management

Accounting firms need to manage a lot of recurring tasks and entities. In Koho PSA, recurring task management is made easy for you with work orders.

Work orders consist of customer work entities, that contain several tasks that are repeated on specific intervals.

Work orders enable many different functionalities, such as task delegation, substituting work entities or tasks, team-level work orders, and user-created actions or work orders. With the help of work orders, you can manage work resources available to you effectively.

The main advantage of Koho PSA’s work orders, and the resulting work and task lists, is that they are also directly billable work-time entries that include progress and/or completion tracking.

With the help of work orders you ensure that all client work is done and invoiced on time.

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