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Lerry.ai is a platform designed to streamline and simplify accounting processes for accounting firms and software developers in the accounting sector. The platform offers advanced features such as intelligent accounting control, which means it can detect both common and unusual accounting errors through hundreds of sophisticated checks.

By automating routine accounting tasks, such as accounting control, Lerry.ai frees up time for more value-creating activities. Whether the purpose is to ensure the accuracy of one’s own accounting or to audit those of clients, the platform offers a faster and more reliable process that accounting firms can benefit from.

In addition to this, Lerry.ai offers KPI analysis that provides deep insights into the company’s performance and financial health. By analyzing a variety of key figures, users get an overall picture of the company’s financial situation.

The platform also includes a robust API that enables smooth integration with existing systems. This makes it easy for accounting firms and developers to adapt and tailor solutions to specific needs.



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